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Worn for Good Music Edit


A very special collection from Australia’s musical frontrunners, featuring a unique offering of custom made, vintage and eclectic pieces from the wardrobes of izzi Manfredi (The Preatures), Jack River, Charlie Collins, Clea and Jaguar Jonze.

Words by Kylie O’Connell // Editor Deafen County

When it comes to aesthetics, fashion and music have a particularly rich relationship. From the avant-garde boundary pushing androgyny of David Bowie, to the futuristic 90s streetwear of TLC. The importance of self-expression and creativity that glides between fashion and music is often vital to an artist’s identity and, at times, success. But it’s not always just about the ‘look’ - the art itself, whether sound or sartorial, is often a direct reflection of the world around it at any point in time. As a reaction to the current chaos of recent years, we’re starting to see additional industries shift into a more conscious state of mind. It’s a new era across the board, one where sustainability and equality are finally starting to run the show.

That’s precisely why this Music Edit from Worn For Good is so special – local artists coming together to make a difference. As with their previous monthly drops, Worn for Good enables people to buy special pieces from musicians and influencers, all while giving back to charity. This edit features unique one-off items from the wardrobes of izzi (The Preatures), Jack River, Charlie Collins, Clea and Jaguar Jonze. It’s a beautiful drop from some of Australia’s musical frontrunners. Think sequins, custom Ellery, vintage tees and more. There’s colour, personality and style, with pieces you’ll likely recognise from various performances. Frontwoman charm at its finest.

Worn For Good founders Sophie Palmer and Pip Best said of the new music edit, “We feel there is a really exciting synergy between fashion and music - both being powerful and important mediums that encourage self-expression, self-empowerment, individuality, joy and creativity. It’s an exciting prospect of being able to utilise Worn for Good as a vehicle to encourage positive conversation and support meaningful change and collaboration across many creative industries - music being one of them. The artists who we’ve partnered with are very much passionate about supporting social and environmental responsibility, and they each have their own unique voice, values and community.” Community is key here. It’s a collaborative effort that is helping to educate on fashion sustainability, while showcasing some killer tunes too.

Ultimately, with the state of the world in 2020, many people are feeling an urge to give back, but it’s often difficult to figure out exactly how to do that. Forster’s Jack River is widely known for her guitar-driven pop prowess, packing out venues across the country and wowing audiences with those sequin suits. Extremely passionate about the environment, she explained how nice it is to have a clear avenue to give back, “Worn for Good is a chance to put our values into action, a platform that highlights the beauty and story in recycling and reusing fashion/clothing. I’m constantly struggling with the consumption levels we think are normal, and the normality in buying something new when there is usually an option to buy it second-hand. Behind every garment is millions of travel miles, millions of litres of water, soil and environmental degradation - by simply getting better at sharing our goods, or passing them on when we aren’t using them - we can and will make a considerable dent in the fashion industries huge negative impact on our planet.” A sequin suit felt good before, but this just takes it to a whole new level.

Worn for Good is a chance to put our values into action, a platform that highlights the beauty and story in recycling and reusing fashion/clothing. I’m constantly struggling with the consumption levels we think are normal, and the normality in buying something new when there is usually an option to buy it second-hand.

The edit also features pieces from the wardrobe of Mie Nakazawa from electro-pop outfit Haiku Hands, with a hit of style and energy to match that of their music. Mie also shared a similar sentiment, “I want to help promote recycled clothing, I think Worn For Good makes second-hand clothing fashionable and they donate to charities I believe in. It’s time to get on the conscious consumption train because there is no time like now. You can find heaps of great second hand and upcycled clothing stores online which makes it easier to be a conscious consumer. Taking care of the environment as much as possible is very important to me, there are so many beautiful things on this planet. It saddens me to think about what we have already lost and I think any action to take care of our environment is helpful and necessary.”

The idea of wearing something a handful of times just doesn’t quite make sense in the current global climate. While we might not want to wear a statement piece too many times, there’s no reason why that beautiful piece can’t rock it in a new home, and even another new home after that. Go forth, shop the Music Edit and feel as fabulous as the Aussie music community - leading the way in sound, style and sustainability.

LISTEN TO THE ARTISTS' TUNES here (playlist curated by Deafen County)